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Writer's pictureMichael Allen

T h e Wa l l

We have studied c e r t a i n phenomena and know them to be true based on our

investigations thus far. We are willing to explain these findings, but i f others are

not yet ready to accept them, that is t h e i r choice.

H e a t e d a r g u m e n t a n d h o s t i l i t y s h o u l d be a v o i d e d at a l l c o s t s .

When discussion o f a topic from a l l angles i s r e q u i r e d t o determine a course o f

action, let it proceed gently and temperately, with each person stating their view

kindly and deliberately while l i s t e n i n g politely to others.

Drive the dark skies away, so I'll bid hello to those I know. Let them know I'1l return

ere long. They'll be glad to hear that as I departed, I was singing this song - "We'll

meet again, don't know where don't know when, but I know we'll meet again some sunny


When a ship is newly built, it lacks coherent self-awareness, a mere aggregation of

s e p a r a t e s e n t i e n t components. But over time, t h e whole f a b r i c becomes a u n i t a r y

consciousness or awareness - dimly and vaguely self-aware compared to our cognition,

but a u n i fi e d being nonetheless.

The mind doesn't merely match p a t t e r n s and assign meanings - it tracks how p a t t e r n s

behave over time. I t anticipates and imagines desired future patterns to look for.

Seeking patterns that allow predictive modeling of events.

The ancestral hunter studied seasonal patterns, migratory patterns of prey, to predict

t h e i r locations by season/time o f day. He learned t h e i r evasive p a t t e r n s to predict

which approach would likely succeed. But inherent problems arise in assigning meaning

to patterns: we always lack full information; mental processes delete/distort data; we

ignore experiences too complex to process; we rarely grasp the ultimate causal

underpinnings we're hypothesizing about.

Philosophy is impractical i f you're s t a r v i n g to death.

Synchronicity is messy. We're shielded from the unconscious by defenses preventing

o v e r w h e l m .

Grandiosity often defends against anxiety over-helplessness and inferiority.

All and a l l it was a l l j u s t B r i c k s I n The Wall...

Simply put, the metaphorical wall is no different than its physical counterpart - a

collection of bricks separating us from something else.

- In this case, that "something else" is life itself.

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